
Matilda the Musical- Auditions

Auditions for Matilda the Musical will be held Monday, March 24, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Port Saint Lucie High School Auditorium. (Note that the date has changed.) This production is open to all students in the St. Lucie County School District.

Music Auditions

Below are the titles we are using for auditions. The more you can familiarize yourself with each song, the better your audition will be. Listen to and learn as many songs as you can because you may be asked to sing a song you had not planned on singing! Welcome to Auditions!

Company Ensemble

All High School: When I Grow Up (#15) - begin at the beginning

All Middle and Elementary School: Chokey Chant (#8) - begin at the beginning.


Naughty (#2) – begin at beginning; Quiet (#19) – begin at measure 26 “And my heart is pounding and my eyes are burning and suddenly everything, everything is…  Quiet…” and continue to end of song.

Miss Honey:
My House (#20) – begin at “This roof keeps me dry when the rain falls…”; Pathetic (#5) – begin at beginning; This Little Girl (#10) – begin at “But this little girl, this miracle…”

Miss Trunchbill:
The Hammer (#6) – begin at beginning; The Smell Of Rebellion (#18) – begin at “The smell of rebellion comes out in the sweat, and Phys-Ed will get you sweating….”

Mrs. Wormwood:
Loud (#9) – begin at beginning.

Mr. Wormwood:
All I Know (Telly) (#13) – begin atvery ending in the high key “All I know I learned from Telly…”

Bruce, Tommy, Amanda, Eric, Lavender, Nigel:
Miracle (#1) – girls begin at “My mummy says I’m a miracle, one look at my face and it’s plain to see….”  - boys begin at “My daddy says I’m his special little soldier, no-one is as bold or tough as me.”

Priyatna Paznakomitsa (#22) begin at “This little girl…”

Escapologist (singing with Miss Honey):
My House (#20) duet – Escapologist, begin at “Don’t cry…”  Miss Honey, begin at “And when it’s cold and bleak, I feel no fear.”

Miracle (#1) – begin at “Every life I bring into this world…”